Welcome, and thank you for visiting BSK-Photo-Graphs, a collection of some of my photographs. I hope that you enjoy viewing these photographs as much as I have enjoyed capturing the images on film. My involvement with photography, black and white photography, started when I was in high school.
It continued with my military service where I was fortunate enough to become a Photographers Mate in the Navy. There I had the opportunity to work in a variety of formats in both black and white and color. My first love though, has always been the expressive images obtainable with black and white film. I also like the fact that black and white negatives retain their sharpness of image for such a great length of time that I will be able to pass on my black and white negatives to my children and grandchildren.
This web site has images that I have scanned from my negatives into PhotoShop to prepare them for the internet. The scanner has allowed me to bridge from traditional photography to digital imaging. I do have a digital camera and I do enjoy using it but there is something about loading up a roll of film in a camera and capturing images on film. So with a scanner I can still do this and also bring these photographs into the digital world.
Again, thanks for visiting BSK-Photo-Graphs, I will be adding other images and making changes/upgrades to the web site periodically, so please check back and have fun getting those great photographs of your own. |